Monday, June 20, 2011

Concept and Initial Branding

My NY times article responses are shown through “branding” my reaction, which is a reflection of how I feel about the issue at hand. The concept is that these branded opinions could be translated into fun food or beer packaging, to create a conversation or raise awareness of an issue -in a playful way.

Article 1: With 1.2 Billion People, India Still Seeks One Good Hangman
Response: Last Resort
-A response to the search for a Hangman in India, willing to take on the enormous emotional burden in the “rarest of rare” cases of hanging.

Article 2: Whimsical Art, on Canvases Stuck to Sidewalk

Response: Crafty Plasty
-Appreciation of such intricate detail with an unthinkable gooey medium

Article 3: Pakistan: Suicide Bomber Attacks Bank, Leaving Two Dead and Puzzle Over Motive

Response: Confused Guerrilla
-Suicide bomber is said to have bombed a bank under misinformation of believing it was foreign

Article 4: 8PM (Food Network) Cupcake Wars:
Response: Unnecessary Engagement 
-Reaction to the numbing reality television we watch for entertainment.

Article 5: An Addiction Expert Faces a Formidable Foe: Prescription Drugs 

Response: Hide and Seek 
-Speaks of the inner struggle in the fight against addiction.

Article 6: Census Shows Rise in Number of Gay Adoptions 
Response: Dear Guardian 
-State government across the nation lacks appreciation for the support gay couples provide for abandoned Children.

Article 7: Albany Billions Go to Clients of Legislator’s Law Firms 
Response: Uncle Scam
-Expresses the dishonesty and corruption of our government.

Article 8: Thieves Found Citigroup Site an Easy Entry 
Response: Uncertain Reserve  
-Questions the security of our banks on the web

Article 9: Her $16k Town House, Now Available for Just $1.879 Million More
Response: Triump Delay 
Waiting out the real estate market for 45 years with a 12,000k return on investment.

Article 10: Louisville Confronts Obesity, Offering Lesson for Others 

Response: Fast Move 
A city attempts to move away from unhealthy fast food options

ASSIGNMENT 2: 10 responses to The New York Times articles


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Final Editorial Spreads
Marilyn for Vogue
Alec Baldwin for GQ

Kanye for Vibe


Magazine choices

College educated/ Professional
Ages 25-50 / Income 50k+

College educated/ Professional
Ages 25-34 / Income 50k+

African American
Any College - Working
Ages 18-34 / Income HHI 50k
